Happiest Doggies

These pups are wagging their tails to the fullest and rolling over with happiness. Come with us and check out the cutest, most smily-est from ear to ear-est poochies on the web.


Click ‘Next Page’ to start the gallery and to gettcha smile on             (☞゚ヮ゚)


Ahhhh Mud. It’s cooling. It’s smelly. And it’s everything a poochie poo can dream of. 


“I’m here!” exclaims this Corgi pup, “now, what are your other two wishes?”



Now this is a great way to get your pooch to take his bath. Throw in a butt ton of treats so he’ll become too stuffed to move, then.. soapy massage paradise. Can this be how people get me to do stuff, please? 




Yippie!! Water! My favorite thing! Playing, My FAVORITE thing!! Just one look at this happy face tells you that this is THE-best-Day-EVAR.


all the attention!


KISSES!! ATENTTION!! Shower me with your love and kisses! Love me! I Love you!


More and more and MORE doggy-tastic amazingness ahead! Just click any article…