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For that reason, respect is the first reason why dogs are better than cats. Eyeballs are my evidence. For example, if you hear that Megan lives alone with her 4 cats, the eyeballs roll in disapproval and a touch of pity. Poor Megan, she must enjoy weekends knitting sweaters for all of those cats. You know she has a few cups of fancy English tea because American tea is simply inferior. If Scarlett lives alone with her 4 Labrador Retrievers, the eyebrows lift and the head nods in instant admiration. Don’t make Scarlett mad, even though we all know she must be tons of fun. Scarlett should help Megan.

25. Cats in movies vs. dogs in movies
Go ahead. Name a movie where the cat dies and everyone is sad. I didn’t think so. Just for the sake of argument, I’m sure there are one or two. But it’s the dog movies that really punch you right in the gut.(Spoiler) There is an entire website devoted to letting you know in advance if the dog dies or is injured in the movie… Just thinking of Marley & Me or I am Legend makes me want to hug my dog and tell him how much he is loved and adored. Oh God. Old Yeller. Hooch. It’s going to be all right, boy.

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24. Two words: Grumpy Cat.
Without even blinking, he communicates to us his opinion of the poor human peasants who endlessly try to please his Highness. He couldn’t care less if he leaves a little kitty log on the floor and we yell at him. In his opinion, we must be talking loudly to the cushion he is sitting on because it is not fluffy enough for such a grand cat. On the contrary, dogs are quite penitent. Once they are caught doing something naughty, you can see the instant regret on your dog face with just one look at him. He just lowers his head because he KNOWS. I mean, look at this cat. He doesn’t give a HOOT.

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23. Dogs don’t care if you are late.
If you are 30 minutes late getting home, he is that much more excited to see you! He’ll jump, bark and wag his cute little behind at lighting speed just to express his sheer joy for being in your presence. When you sleep in and are late feeding Kitty, you may be rewarded with a special, soggy gift of her wet hair on your pillow. Has your cat ever done a happy dance when you walk into a room? Nope. With a dog, you know you are appreciated without the requirement of being in a catnip induced rapture.

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22. Dogs don’t have hairballs.
As a cat owner can profess, the first time you hear your cat expel a hairball, you are convinced Fluffy has become possessed by El Diablo himself. A dog will not scare you with the telltale cough – wheeze – cough – grunt of hairball regurgitation. Hairballs are, after all, a cat’s way of letting you know that their airway and digestive systems are working just fine. If a cat does not expel the hairball, it could mean there is a blockage towards the more unpleasant end. A dog does not consider swallowing their own hair a positive trait. This is also a cat’s way of telling you that their fur is clean so no need to bathe her today. You’re welcome, peasant.

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21. Dogs don’t howl when they are ready to make little dogs.
A female cat will yowl as though she’s being tortured when she is ready to breed. A male cat will yowl just as fiercely when he can smell that she is around. When your dog is in love, he is not constantly, annoyingly and especially loudly vocal in his appreciation of the opposite sex. I once had a male cat that bit a hole through a window screen to be with his companion and prowl the neighborhood. It didn’t end well for him. One night of affection and she never called him back.

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20. Your dog will protect you.
Whether it is the UPS man bringing him a box of treats or a recent prison escapee wielding an axe, your dog will announce their presence. If Knuckles breaks in, your dog will lay down his life to protect you. He’ll do this without moment’s hesitation and not just because you are the one that feeds him. Most criminals won’t even waste the effort of breaking in if they are aware of a dog. Even a bite from a Yorkie hurts! You are his pack leader and he will defend you to the end. A cat will look at the intruder with indifference as if to say, “Carry on with your plan, tattooed human.”

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19. Your dog is your therapist.
He will patiently sit with you and listen to everything that went wrong that day. He’ll put his head and paws in your lap and try to make everything better. He will not judge or interrupt. If he’s very well trained, he will fetch you a beer from the fridge. No matter how much training your cat has, he will never fetch anything for you, unless it benefits him. The occasional mouse or bird on your doorstep is an exception. Therapy dogs are used in nursing homes, hospitals and college dormitories to reduce stress. Just being around them makes you feel better. Being around my cat, I have a 50/50 chance he will bite me for no reason. As a rule, one should not be bitten during therapy.

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18. Dogs make you feel better.
Speaking of therapy, simply being around a dog will make you feel better. Their presence has been shown to increase the brain’s dopamine and oxytocin (making you happier) and decreasing cortisol (reducing your stress). I wonder daily if my cat will smother me in my sleep. Certainly not a relaxing thought.

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17. A dog is an excellent judge of character.
You’ll know immediately if your dog approves of your new boyfriend. Dogs can sense if someone is a jerk. If my dog does not like someone, I’ll have no choice but to ask them to leave. He fetches my beer, after all. A cat will welcome the jerk into his kingdom and watch as he steals your television.

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16. They actually care that you came back home.
Those videos where the soldiers are welcomed home by their loving companion, Rover. Your cat will not care that you are home after a year while fighting for their freedom. You may momentarily grab their attention if you tell them you’ve been working in a giant litter box. Otherwise, you coming home is…Meh.

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15. Your dog can be taught fun tricks.
Play dead? Sure! Fetch the paper when there is a foot of snow outside? Yes, please! Shake a paw? Until the end of time! Ask your cat to do the same and he’ll close his eyes and turn away. You know, the LOOK.

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14. To a dog, everything in the world is wonderful.
A tree on your walking path must be sniffed. Birds are amazing and must be chased. And for the love of all that is sacred, SQUIRREL! Your cat is happy just to be alone and creating another hairball masterpiece.

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13. A car ride is bliss.
Sticking your head out the window at 30 miles per hour and he thinks he’s flying. Pure joy. He does not care where he’s going. Try the same thing with your cat and he will jump out of the noisy death trap at his first opportunity, right after he scratches the crap out of you.
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12. Treats are everywhere!
You can take your pooch with you to the bank, and the teller gives him a dog bone cookie. The ice cream shop carries doggie cones because they know he’s a good boy. Then there is the doggy bag. No such thing as a cat bag, unless it’s something you put a cat inside.

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11. Dogs can be trained to recognize the presence of cancer in humans
Also drugs in a loaded duffel bag and a bomb in a suitcase. My cat has trained me to change his litter daily or he’ll leave me a gentle reminder on the floor directly next to the box.

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10. I don’t trust an animal that does not fart.
I’m sure cats do, in their own superior way pass gas, but I’ve never heard one. I know my dog is comfortable and relaxed around me because he will share these little gems. He knows I will still love him. It’s a bit endearing, actually.

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9. Dogs are real lifesavers.
Police dogs can be trained to search for bombs, drugs and lost people. If a police dog dies in the line of duty, he’ll receive the same memorial as a person. Your cat may move his tail in response to you asking him to follow the scent of your lost friend.

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Dogs come in all shapes and sizes that meet the needs of their human companions. From a 2lb Chihuahua to a 200lb Great Dane and everything in-between, no hair to long, flowing locks and ones that are high to low energy, the breeds are seemingly endless. Cats come in just as many varieties, but the easiest way to choose is between Orange Jerk, Calico Jerk, Tuxedo Jerk, etc.

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7. Nothing is better than a pile of puppies.
A litter of Labrador puppies running towards you and attacking you with sweet, puppy breath kisses can cheer up anyone’s cloudy day. Try the same with a bushel of kittens? You’ll end up with tiny, razor claws gripping into your legs and back. Puppies for the win.

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6. Dogs are much more adaptable to change.
In a new environment, dogs will sniff every nook and cranny to familiarize himself. Hopefully he’ll learn quickly where the back door is to avoid any accidents. If he does slip up, see #3. The last time I moved, my cat voluntarily stayed in a closet for 3 solid days. It was bliss.

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5. Dogs simply smell better than cats.
Unless your cat is trained to potty outside or is one of those circus cats that can go in the toilet (unnatural and just wrong), you get to change litter. Litter stinks and literally litters the surrounding floor. Sometimes that litter clings to their fur, and you know what is the sticking agent. Gross.

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4.With a dog, you’ll never need to bend over again to pick up a food scrap.
When I’m at a friend’s house and something drops, I automatically call out to my dog to come clean it up. Any woman who is 9 months pregnant can especially appreciate that. Will your cat clean up floor spaghetti? Not likely.

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3. Your dog can fetch your dinner.
Hunting dogs are trained to retrieve birds, and a Labrador especially, will bring the bird back without ruffling a feather. (Never mind the multiple bullet holes.) So, to be politically correct, if the zombies come and your only food source is a duck, your dog will happily jump into the cold water to bring it back to you.

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2. Dogs don’t get annoyed at you for doing everyday things.
Has your dog ever sat on top of your refrigerator? You know he’s just waiting for sneak attack bop you on the head. Your dog will not hide in a warm basket of towels then hiss at you when you have the audacity to try and fold them.

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1. A dog is more logical than a cat.
You’ll never need to call the fire department to get your dog from a tree. Your dog won’t try (repeatedly) to jump from the couch to the window blinds with the expectation of sticking.

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