There probably is no Ultimate Frisbee player who hasn’t been asked by a non-player this particular, magical question – “Frisbee? Isn’t that for dogs?”
Well, Ultimate Frisbee is a spectacular sport, played almost exclusively by humans who actually do a fantastic job at it. If you have never tried playing Ultimate, let alone held a disc in your hand, you are missing out on a whole lot. It’s not called Ultimate for no reason. Truth of the matter, it’s called Ultimate for a whole lot of reasons, with the top 3 being:
1) Somebody really awesome took all the great features of different sports – soccer, basketball, and baseball – and rolled it into this special one sport.
2) It is one of the few sports that enforce gender equality. In the mixed division, men and women get to play alongside one another, following a guy-girl ratio of 4:3.
3) This magnificent thing called “Spirit of the Game”. In most tournaments, especially those sanctioned by the World Flying Disc Association, games are self-officiated, in which players make calls and settle them amongst themselves. In cases where parties do not reach an agreement, calls can be contested. Yup, no referees, just pure unadulterated honesty, integrity, and Spirit of the Game. If that sounds too hippie for you, it’s because legend has it that hippies started this whole awesomeness of a sport.
Ultimate Frisbee players have it great, but not perfect. If there’s anything that these athletes wish, it is that they could have the superb catching skills of dogs because, seriously, these creatures are beast at catching!

That incredible catch combined with that gaze aimed straight at the camera.

Dogs are innately skilled at sports, and breeds such as Collies, Retrievers, and Shepherds are excellent at Frisbee.